Trans Terminology Guide


1: Transgender, adj.

Describes a person who does not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth.

[correct usage] He is transgender.

[incorrect usage] He is a transgender.

[incorrect usage] He is transgendered.

‘Transgender’ is an adjective. It is not a verb or a noun. Inserting the article “a” before or adding “-ed” at the end is not only grammatically incorrect but also implies something has happened to us to make us the way we are, which is false.

[correct usage] trans man, trans woman

[incorrect usage] transman, transwoman

Though the omission of the space may seem insignificant, transphobic folks (namely TERFs) use “transmen," without a space to qualify and even invalidate our manhood by saying we are TRANSmen (as in, a different kind of man that is not truly a Man) instead of trans-space-man, which treats “trans” just as an adjective that explains the noun “man.” This is very similar to the use of “chinaman” as a derogatory term for an Asian person whereas “Chinese man” is just a description of a man who is Chinese.

3: Nonbinary, adj.

Describes a person who does not identify within the gender binary.

There is no one way to be nonbinary. Not all nonbinary people are androgynous, thin, white. Note that many nonbinary folks use they/them* pronouns, but not all do.

*to all the folks who attempt to hide their transphobia beneath the guise of “correct grammar,” the use of they/them pronouns to refer to a single individual is officially grammatically CORRECT as of 2019 when Merriam-Webster made ‘they’ the word of the year.

4: Transition, noun or verb

Any step or steps a person takes to affirm their gender identity.

[correct usage] He transitioned a few years ago.

[correct usage] When he presented as a female/a woman.

[incorrect usage] He changed genders.

[incorrect usage] He transgendered.

[incorrect usage] Before he became a boy…

[incorrect usage] When he was a girl…

The terms on the right [marked as incorrect usage] imply that I was once a girl. But I was never truly a girl. Though I may have “looked like” or presented as a girl, I have always been me; a man. I just haven't always had the words or resources or confidence to claim it.

For me, this extends to the the acronym “FTM” as well. When relevant, I prefer to say I was “assigned female at birth, and identify as male,” instead.

5: Sex

Usually refers to the gender a person was assigned at birth, which is deduced by examining the external genitalia of a fetus or newborn. Other similar terms include birth sex or biological sex, and “what you were born as.” I advise using “gender assigned at birth” or “assigned gender” to refer to this.

[correct usage] He was assigned female at birth.

[incorrect usage] He was born a girl.

[incorrect usage] He was born female.

[incorrect usage] He used to be a girl.

The phrases on the right [marked as incorrect usage] imply or directly claim that I was a girl at some point. Though I may have presented as a girl, I wasn't truly a girl. I have always been me, a man, I just haven't always had the words and courage to assert and describe myself.

And, a reminder that biological sex is not binary. Biology is not as simple as penis=man; vagina=woman. Biology is far more complex than this. Visit for more!

6: Gender Identity and Gender Expression

Gender identity: the internal sense of one's own gender.

Gender expression: how one presents their gender; bound by social construct, epoch, culture, etc.

[correct] Gender expression is just a social construct and does not have to match how one identifies

[incorrect] gender expression = gender identity

[correct] Gender ROLES should be dead, but gender itself is real & meaningful to many.

[incorrect] “Gender is dead”

7: Sexuality/Orientation

The classification of one's attraction towards others (e.g. gay, straight, bisexual, pansexual, queer, asexual, etc.)

[correct] Gender identity and sexual orientation are not the same.

[incorrect] Being trans means you're gay.

Trans people are not automatically gay. Trans folks can be of all sexualities, just like cis folks. We can be gay, straight, bisexual, pansexual, queer, asexual, etc.

More Examples


  • [correct] He is transgender.
  • [incorrect] He is a transgender.
  • [incorrect] He is transgendered.


  • [correct] He transitioned a few years ago.
  • [correct] He transitioned.
  • [correct] …when he presented as female/a woman/a girl…
  • [correct] …before he transitioned…
  • [incorrect] He transgendered a few years ago.
  • [incorrect] He changed genders.
  • [incorrect] … when he was a girl…
  • [incorrect] …before he became a boy


  • [correct] Gender identity and sexual orientation are not the same.
  • [incorrect] Being trans means you're gay.

Asking private questions

  • [correct] Don't ask about surgeries/private parts unless a person explicitly invites that conversation!
  • [incorrect] Did you get the surgery?